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Collection: Spoon Pipes

Spoon pipes can be made of a variety of different materials, such as glass, metal, or wood, and are shaped like one would imagine a spoon is. They have deep bowl heads and are fairly straight and flat compared to other types of pipes – especially Gandalf or Sherlock pipes. Most importantly, spoon pipes are simple and inexpensive and make a great addition to a smoker’s collection particularly if they like mobility and simplicity. All in all, spoon pipes are equally as effective for novice and experienced smokers alike. As with any product, it’s best to consider what specific needs one has before purchasing anything.

How to Choose a Spoon Pipe?

Again, make sure to consider the preferences the spoon pipe is meant to fulfill. While all spoon pipes are fairly mobile, there is certainly a difference in concealment compared to the smaller versions of a spoon pipe. Another thing to think about is the type of material that a spoon pipe is made of. Wooden pipes, glass pipes, or silicone pipes are all rather different and will provide certain pros or cons and better suit some more than others.

Smoking Pipe Size and Mobility

Keep the size of a spoon pipe in mind. Essentially, all spoon pipes are going to run on the smaller end when compared to certain types of pipes (Gandalf, Sherlock) or other types of smoking devices (bubblers, bongs). But, remember that spoon pipes can be more concealable than others. Some have bowl sizes that are exceptionally larger than others and this can make them just a bit too large to keep in a pocket or just generally inconvenient. Not to mention, the size of your spoon pipe is going to affect the size of your bowl head. This means that either more or less dry herb can be placed inside and will affect how many people can use the pipe. Particularly useful to keep in mind if someone is more of a social or loner smoker.

Spoon Pipe Material

The material that a spoon pipe is made of will affect the smoking experience. Glass pipes are going to be better to clean and have less taste issues (as long as they’re cleaned regularly) than other materials. This is a given for glass pipes of all kinds and one of the reasons that glass is so popular. Silicone and glass pipes have different benefits. Silicone is nearly indestructible and rather lightweight. If someone needs a more mobile spoon pipe than going with one made of silicone might make more sense. Because they’re simple to use, almost as easy to clean as glass, almost as tasteless, AND indestructible silicone pipes have been getting increasingly popular. A third option, wood, lends itself to people who prefer the flavor and feel of a wooden pipe. Otherwise, wooden pipes can be more difficult to clean and are not as indestructible as silicone.

Heady Glass Pipes

Spoon pipes, though simple, are not inherently ugly or lacking creativity and beauty. Particularly when referring to heady glass spoon pipes (or in other words high-quality spoon pipes) one can purchase thicker, better quality spoon pipes to avoid breakage and get cooler designs for their spoon pipe. Sometimes heady glass refers to specific artists manufacturing a particular spoon pipe with unique design or style features. All told, look for a heady glass spoon pipe if getting something of higher quality is most important.

What is a Spoon Pipe?

A spoon pipe is a simple, flat tube with a bowl head at the end. Essentially, like most other pipes, a spoon pipe incorporates a carb, bowl head, and mouthpiece for the consumption of dry herb. However, unlike other pipes, spoon pipes are shaped particularly more like a spoon and often contain a relatively deeper bowl head. Often, a spoon pipe will run smaller than the other regular or unique pipe designs.

Why Buy Spoon Pipes?

There are many reasons to buy spoon pipes and while shopping for one it can be easy to get overwhelmed. But do not worry! It is okay to shop for a pipe, for any reason, and below are some great reasons.


Spoon pipes are rather simple and often don’t include nearly as many complicated features as other pipes (while this is not always the case). Whether someone is more of a novice or experienced, any smoker can enjoy the ease of use with a spoon pipe. Particularly when trying to smoke on the go or remain more mobile.


Spoon pipes, often due to their simplicity, are not extraordinarily expensive. This is wonderful for someone who is afraid to spend a fortune in order to add to their glass pipe collection (or break into the world of glass collecting). Even outside of glass, wooden and silicone spoon pipes are also cheap and cost-effective and lend themselves to a frugal collector.


Due to the simplicity of a spoon pipe, there are not a lot of ‘moving parts’. This is important because, sometimes, maintaining a regular cleaning schedule can get ahead of us. More importantly, this means that it is harder to affect the flavor of a particular smoking experience because keeping the pipe clean is easier. Not to be underrated, even with a wooden spoon pipe maintenance is more straight forward than with more complicated pieces like a bong with extra percolators, etc.