What is a Rolling Tray?
A rolling tray is a convenient tool enjoyed by those that prefer to roll and smoke their herbs over vapes and bongs. There are many reasons why you would choose to use a rolling tray. The first being a sanitary place to roll and grind up your herbs. Rolling trays also help you keep your area clean and assist in easy clean up. They catch crumbs and fallout as you empty your grinder and fill the papers. You can find rolling trays in any style, color, design you can think of. The price can range from expensive to affordable. It is easy to find a rolling tray that is right for you and in your price range.
Types of Rolling Trays
Rolling trays are made from a lot of different materials such as wood, metal, plastic, silicone and many more. Each type of tray has its pros and cons. Metal trays are more durable than plastic trays and silicone trays are scratch resistant. Some rolling trays have special slots to hold the papers and herbs while you roll them. Plastic rolling trays are the most affordable, wooden trays are a little more expensive but makes up for it with its stylish look. Rolling trays can be made out of different types of wood: oak, bamboo and cedar. Whichever material you decide you like the best, you will be able to find rolling trays in various shapes, sizes that offer different specialties.
Cool Rolling Trays
Cool rolling trays are rolling trays that have additional capabilities. Some have many slots and compartments that can house your tips, papers, and herbs. Depending on the rolling tray the compartments can be removable and used for other things. Cool rolling trays may have dishes built in for your herbs to be stored. Others also have custom spaces for you grinder, lighters and anything else you need. The point of specialty rolling trays are to create a workspace that has everything you need readily available within arms reach.
Custom Rolling Trays
You may not see any rolling tray that fits your sense of style or particular needs. Luckily, some online stores give you the ability to personalize or customize your own rolling tray. Some people prefer custom rolling trays because it helps define who they are and accentuate their sense of style. You have options to choose from different colors, sizes, and prints. Prints can be anything ranging from drawings you create to images you find on the internet or capture with a camera. You also have the option to add a text to the rolling tray it can be a name, saying or phrase. The possibilities are endless when it comes to custom rolling trays. Custom rolling trays are good if you want a rolling tray specifically for you or as a one of a kind gift to a friend.
Rolling Tray Kits
Rolling tray kits provide you with everything you need to roll herbs. They include rolling papers, rolling trays, and rolling machines. The accessories you get in your kit depends on how much you are willing to pay for it. Some kits include grinders, lighters, hydrostones, travel cases and even storage containers. Rolling tray kits are especially useful if you are a beginner and want to make sure you have all the supplies you need. They are available online, you may be able to find a kit at your local head shop as well. There are a lot of different kits to choose from that can cater to your specific wants and needs. Some online retailers allow you to select from different variations of a kit and grant you the opportunity to switch out an accessory for a different one.
RAW Rolling Tray
RAW is a company best known for their rolling papers. They pride themselves on their all natural, chemical free and unrefined rolling papers. RAW has been around since 2005, they are a very popular brand. Besides rolling papers, they also have high quality rolling trays. The company puts so much attention into the functionality of the tray as well as how the consumer should feel while using it. Their trays are available in different sizes, design, and are made of metal, glass or wood. They even offer a circle shaped rolling tray. You can also purchase a magnetic lid to go on the tray to use it as storage. The trays are modeled after the super classic italian CLUB rolling tray, with curved corners to prevent anything from sticking to the tray and getting trapped between corners. RAW rolling trays are convenient, affordable and of good quality.
How To Roll a Joint
Rolling a joint is a skill that some people master on their first try, while others require a little more practice before they can call themselves joint rolling experts. There are many ways to roll a joint. You can roll with a filter or you can roll without one. Make sure you have your herbs grinded up as finely as possible. This is so the joint is smooth and smokes evenly. At this point, if you are going to use a filter, put it on one end of the joint paper. While holding the sides of the paper and filter in place with one hand, add your herbs to the paper with the other hand. Begin pressing the herbs and pinching the paper around the herbs. As you do this, slowly roll upwards with your thumb to form a cone shape. When you are finished, lick the sticky side of the paper to secure the joint. Twist the end to close it. If rolling a joint manually is too hard for you or you do not have time to devote to rolling a joint, you can always opt for a joint rolling machine.
What is a Joint Rolling Machine?
A joint rolling machine eliminates the time and effort it takes to roll a joint. A joint rolling machine is essentially a device that is used to roll herbs into neat joints. There are many different types of rolling machines on the market. The most common one being a handheld contraption made of two rollers and a belt. It is called a dual wheel roller. This type of roller is simple and easy to use. All you have to do is separate the two wheels so that the belt is stretched out. Then you put the joint paper on to the belt and add your filter and herbs. Next, push the rollers back together and begin rolling the wheels. The paper should rotate around itself. Once you get to the end of the paper lick the sticky part and roll the machine one final time. Other types of rolling machines are electrical. Some are able to roll multiple joints at once.
Vaping Vs. Rolling
Vape pens for Vaping and rolling are both great ways to enjoy your herbs. Vaping is a clean way to smoke herbs. This method allows you to smoke the herb in different forms, like wax or oil. Because you are inhaling clean vapors, the effect is smoother and may even last longer. Rolling herbs is not as clean as vaping, since it depends on what the rolling paper is made of. The effect of the herbs is apparent but does not last long like a vape. A rolled joint is perfect if you want to share with a group of friends, while a vape is more of a personal use type of object.
How to Choose the Best Rolling Tray?
The best rolling tray for you depends on your personal preference. There is a lot to think about when trying to decide on a rolling tray. You want to make sure your budget is established, you will enjoy the rolling tray even more if it fits within your set budget. It is also important to think about how you expect to use this rolling tray. Is this something you are going to use everyday? Do you need extra storage compartments? Does the material it is made of matter to you? Each tray has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, some rolling trays may be affordable but of bad quality. The design of the rolling tray may be important to you. If that is the case a custom rolling tray would probably work for you. A rolling tray kit may be right for you if need multiple supplies and accessories and do not want to purchase each of them separately. As said before, the perfect rolling tray depends on you and what you want and need.
Where To Buy Rolling Trays?
There are so many rolling trays to choose from ranging in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Many of them come with attachments, matching accessories and other things. It is easy to find a place that sells rolling trays. Your local head shop should have a wide selection you can choose from. The rolling trays you find there are priced to be affordable to the majority of the town’s financial abilities. Online stores always have a variety of rolling trays of different prices. Finding a rolling tray online also gives you the option to create custom rolling trays and have them delivered straight to your door. Vapevetstore.com offers free US shipping on all orders with no minimum purchase required.
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