What Are The Best Secret Stash Containers To Buy?
Nothing is as hidden as what is in the open. If you have been thinking of a way to store your valuables ― make it inconspicuous with lesser stress and moveable at the same time, the use of Secret Stash Containers come to mind.
What is a Secret Stash Container? To “stash” means to “to put by or away as for safekeeping or future use, usually in a secret place”, according to dictionary.com.
Stash containers are in no way different from your typical containers, and that is the secret behind it all ― no one will suspect what is in them since everyone already has a preconception of what such containers could contain except that you are taking it a bit further.
Imagine keeping your spare key or money in an energy drink can, or inside your comb for instance. Of course, no one would ever think it contains such things except you.
There are many secret stash containers out there which you can use but not all are perfect for you, this is why we have taken our time to compile a list of the ones you may want to check out.
We wouldn’t mind the recommendation of any stash container we may have overlooked. Kindly drop them in the comment section ― at the end of this article.

Hidden Wall Safe
Thieves are always in haste, and will never do a thorough search of a home. Most of the time, they make you (the homeowner) direct them to where your valuables are kept; that will happen only when you are being robbed with a gun pointed at your head.
How about an instance your home was burglarized? There is a way to make thieves leave with nothing!
Hidden wall safe is a stash designed to be placed within your home walls. They are concealed with typical home decorations and devices no one would have suspected.
Such as a hidden wall safe gently placed behind your home wall clock or photo portrait. Some are designed in colors that match your room painting, making them inconspicuous.

Real Hair Brush Stash Container
A hairbrush is one of the most used items in any household. It is usually placed in locations accessible to anyone. This makes its spot a perfect place to hide your valuables.
A real hairbrush stash container is designed such that the rod in between the comb teeth has a portion which can be opened to stack in valuables.
It is designed with the best specificity for its use instead of just for the purpose of stashing valuables. The grip is ergonomically made with soft rubber for efficient handling.
The rod is about 4 inches long and 1 inch wide. You can easily roll some few dollar bills inside or hide your spare key and maybe an important document.
Nobody will notice unless you let the cat out of the bag.
It is a perfect gift for a female friend.

WD-40 Stash Container
Fool a thief or anybody you do not want to access your valuables by placing them in a WD-40 can known for its lubricant content.
Twist off the bottom led to create space for whatever you want to hide and replace.
Return it to no other place than where everyone can see it except that it has to be kept out of the reach of babies as they might mistakenly drop it on the floor exposing your clandestine valuables (vapes, smoking stick, watches, etc).
Anybody (especially thieves) searching your house for valuables is more likely to check places like the wardrobe and your jewelry boxes.

Morton Salt Stash Container
Your kitchen is the last place anybody can ever check for your valuables. With the Morton Salt Stash container, you can get your expensive jewelry hidden among the spices.
The bottom lead is removable, to allow placement of the valuables inside. You may want to get about three of the original Morton Salt containers to place in the spice cabinet along with the Stash container.
Arrange it in a way the stash is placed behind the original Morton Salt container.
This will help to prevent a visitor from mistakenly picking the can for use; no need if no other person uses your kitchen.

Pringles Stash Container – Various Flavors
Love pringles? Time to leverage the container of your favorite snack. The pringles stash container due to its size can allow for the storage of many valuables at once.
The container is available in both original and cheddar cheese flavor. You may want to get more than one if you will be keeping away a lot of things from people.
To make your deceptive game more real, buy extra Pringles Can that indeed contains pringles. When you have visitors around, walk over to the snack cabinet to get some. This leaves everyone more clueless.
The pringles stash container comes in handy in scenarios you need to travel with your family members and you never want them to notice you vape pen. Get your favorite dry herb vaporizer and/or smoking pipe inside the pringles can. Just as advised earlier, you may want to get an extra container with pringles.
Bring it out and eat some in the presence of everyone to leave no suspicion. Although no one will notice your stash content in the first place.

AJAX Stash Container
Ajax stash containers should be used with caution. Be cautious about where you place it. You know Ajax bleach can be used in different parts of the home ― for cleaning sink, toilet and other items such as garbage trash.
If you are not the one in charge of cleaning or have other people apart from you doing the cleaning job, use of a stash container like this is not advisable. Anyone can get hold of your treasure can thinking of getting some Ajax bleach for cleaning.
Folks that stays alone have no problem with this. The thief that invades your room when you were away will surely leave with nothing. No one breaks in to steal an Ajax bleach.
Place it in your garage, or kitchen where you have your cleaning materials.

Soda Can – Various Flavors
Your refrigerator is another place to hide your vaporizer and/or other valuables. With Soda Can stash containers, nobody will guess your secret.
Choose from about five different soda can including Coca Cola, Seven Up, Diet Coke, Diet Lemon Coke, and Fanta-Orange-Soda. Open the top lid and stash your cash or jewelry in the hollow portion of the can.
Aside from placing in your refrigerator, you can keep it in your cabinet or some old suitcase, away from the eyes of a thief or anyone, even though it is kept in an open place.

Barbasol Shaving Cream Stash Can
Here is something for the men and a way to stash your “secrets” in the open and no one will be suspicious, not even your wife (in case you are married).
With more than 100 years in the industry, no one will blink seeing this can on your shelve. The can stash is designed with materials that make it look no different from the original.
Unscrew the bottom to place your valuables after which you can place it wherever you prefer. The bathroom, wardrobe or pack in your travelling bag.
Leaving it in a travelling bag is a better option has only a few people will ever think of searching it. And even when they do, of what use is a Barbasol Shaving Cream to them.

Bolt and Washer
Bolt and Washer stash can be used to store items like memory cards of a sensitive event. It is made from ¾” typical machine bolt.
It can be used to hide away valuables in tight spots or buried underground with a marker to locate the dig position.
If you have a garage, drop it among other bolts and nuts. It smoothly blends.
To use, unscrew the nut to place your item in the hollowed bolt. It is also possible to tighten the nut with a spanner if you have any in your garage.
And if possible, drive the bolt into a fitted hole in a metalwork or make a dummy hole in your table.

Sharpie Marker
Work near your valuables by stashing them in a Sharpie marker. Designed like your typical pen, it can be attached to your clothes or placed in your bag.
The only limitation with this Stash container is its size. Items like a vaporizer cannot be stored in it and you may also find it difficult to stash some few dollar notes inside. But things like pills and secret video memory cards can be stored.
It can be used to send items through people. Give Mr A the pen to deliver to Mr C and Mr B will never suspect he is transporting more than a pen.

Book Safe
The use of Book Safe is a classic and quite advanced stash container. It comes with a metal safe lockbox as a precaution for instances someone mistakenly discovers your trick.
Designed just like a typical book, the Book Safe appears like a voluminous book (think of a dictionary) and can be placed in a book shelve.
Make sure to place among similar books to avoid it gaining attractions.
The provided space is big enough to house lots of valuables; including your smartphone and hard drive (in case they contain something sensitive).