What is a Box Mod Vaporizer Pen?
A box mod is, more or less, a massive battery that has customizable attachments that can be interchanged as long as the threading matches both the box mod and the attachment. Threading is what allows the attachment (like a mouthpiece or atomizer) to attach or ‘hook’ into the box mod. Box mods are called that because they are generally boxier than the traditional vape pen. This tradeoff on size has a number of implications but often times it means: 1) that the box mod has a more powerful battery 2) that the box mod is more durable and 3) that the box mod is more compatible with different accessories than the average vape pen. If any of those things is a priority, it is likely a box mod is the right choice.
‘Types’ of Box Mods
Outside of different brands or specific features offered, there is little difference between ‘types’ of box mods. Generally, unless threaded in a special way, a box mod is going to be compatible with a whole host of attachments that are interchangeable and allow the owner to swap between e-liquid or wax, etc. As such, there isn’t necessarily a ‘dry herb vaporizer box mod’ or ‘wax box mod’ although pay attention to what attachment is offered with a particular box mod. While it can always be changed, no one wants to get home only to find they can’t use their new purchase because it has an oil atomizer instead of a dry herb heating chamber.
Common Characteristics of Box Mods
Box mods, while still a diverse category of vape with all sorts of awesome features, have a number of characteristics in common. Below are some of them:
Battery- all box mod, naturally, come with a battery. Often, they are equipped with a stronger battery than would be found on the average vape pen. This is the main draw for many people to buy a box mod – their greater power and wattage options lends themselves to producing huge vapor clouds and producing massive hits. This means that there is more juice being used on any given hit (unless the box mod has temperature/wattage controls in which case it can be turned down) and could need more charging give or take the frequency of use. If massive clouds or a bigger hit are a huge priority a box mod is certainly the right choice. Take, for example, the Steamcloud Box mod. Its battery comes in at 1600 mah which is certainly higher than the average vape pen and allows for customizable temperature controls. With that level of power, it will take no time to heat the wax, dry herb, e-liquid, or oil and being on the way to a nice headspace.
Heating Chamber/Atomizer
Box mods come with interchangeable, threaded heating chambers/atomizers/e-juice tanks, etc.What this means is that the ends of a particular attachment are designed to fit with all other box mods, vapes that have that same numbered threading. Think about screwing something in to a hole that is fitted to match that particular pattern. That is the same thing. So, with a box mod, someone isn’t stuck with only a dry herb vaporizer or wax vape. Basically, this just means that a box mod provides a greater latitude of diversity to branch out into other herb derivatives or avenues. Not to mention, if vaping nicotine is appealing, a box mod cuts out having to carry around an extra vape. With the Steamcloud box mod, for example, there is compatibility with almost all 510 threaded attachments. This means that after purchasing the battery pack, a Steamcloud box mod can be used to vape almost anything.
The mouthpiece is a common feature on anything that produce vapor. It is attached to the heating chamber and is how someone pulls on the vape to obtain the vapor. There really isn't much to the mouthpiece except to remember that maintenance of this part is essential to any good vaping experience. The mouthpiece, understandably, can get gunked up without proper diligence and care taken to ensure its cleanliness. In a box mod, a mouthpiece is often attached to the specific atomizer tank, e-liquid tank, heating chamber, etc and so will change when the atomizer is changed. Make sure to clean it whenever initiating a change, no one wants to put their mouth to month-old saliva and vapor that’s been sitting since the last changeout.
Display Screen
Box mods come with display screens that can show a variety of different information depending on the sophistication of the box mod. Usually, the display screen will have the temperature control (if applicable), the wattage control (if applicable), and the battery level to avoid any unfortunate surprises right before or during a vape sesh. All in all, display screens are really handy and much more convenient than the warning light on a regular vape pen. Just another reason that an investment in a box mod might be more worthwhile for beginners and experienced vapers alike. On the Steamcloud box mod, the display screen will include temperature/wattage features as well as the vape’s resistance when pulling.
Benefits of a Box Mod
While there is nothing wrong with regular vape pens or traditional smoking tools like bongs or bowls, box mods definitely have a number of positive benefits that shouldn’t be ignored when considering whether to buy one or not.
Box mods are rather portable. While the name lends itself to the misconception that they are incredibly bulky, box mods are often light and not much more cumbersome than a vape. Certainly less cumbersome than a bowl or a bong. Granted, they are certainly larger than the typical vape pen that doesn’t mean that they’re unable to be placed into a pocket or bookbag. The Steamcloud is an excellent example. It can easily fit into a jacket or pants pocket, a purse or bookbag. It is easily as mobile as all but the smallest vape pens.
Box mods are not quite as fragile as a vape pen can be and certainly going to survive a fall better than a glass bowl or pipe. While it is not recommended to drop a box mod either, these will not shatter into a million little pieces upon contacting the ground. In general, a box mod is made from sturdy, lightweight materials to reduce the burden of carrying it as well as reduce the likelihood of a bad fall shattering it into pieces.
Great Features
Box mods contain wonderful features like battery displays, power displays, and temperature controls. The Steamcloud, for example, is incredibly affordable, portable, and compatible given it’s price when compared to all but the most sophisticated vape pens (which are certainly expensive). Not to mention, the size is not imposing at all. All of these things provide the vaper with a greater level of control to make the vaping experience as seamless, personal, and customizable it can be.
Powerful Battery
It goes without saying that a powerful battery is a desirable feature. After all, no one wants to be stuck looking around for the nearest outlet constantly. Moreover, the greater the power in the battery the larger and more powerful the hits that can be taken from the box mod are. The greater wattage range accommodates the diversity of vaping materials – oil, wax, dry herb, or e-liquid – and means that there won’t be an issue switching between them. For those that don’t prefer huge hits all the time, a box mod offers the greatest level of diversity because the temperature can be switched up or down per their taste.
Full Compatibility
Probably one of the most important features of a box mod is the complete compatibility with other types of materials. No one is stuck having to go out and buy three separate vaporizers just to be able to use dry herb, wax, or oil. Not to mention, the fact that all three can be used (combined with the portability, cleanliness, etc) outweighs all conventional forms of smoking wax, dry herb, etc. Take for example the Steamcloud. A sleek, slim design that can go from wax to dry herb in just a few seconds. Compare that to the ease associated with using an oil rig and then swapping to a bong. Not nearly as convenient.
Removable Battery
Some box mods contain a removable battery that allows for rapid replacement and recharge in the midst of an intense vaping session. This wonderful feature means that the party doesn’t have to stop whenever the battery runs out of juice. Simply replace it with a charged one and stick it on the charger in the meantime. Watch out – this is not a universal feature on all box mods. There is always the option of purchasing a second box mod.
How to Use a Box Mod
Box mods are not difficult to use at all. Start by ensuring that the battery is properly charged. Next, make sure that the proper attachment is around and available for use. Now, make sure to fill it with the appropriate item – be it dry herb, wax, oil, etc. Remember to be careful when pouring oil into a cartridge or when placing wax into an atomizer because they’re both rather sticky and can make a mess (not to mention gunk up the box mod or battery). Once all that is done it is time to turn the box mod on. Put the temperature at a proper setting. For example, wax or oil requires a hotter temperature than dry herb. Allow the box mod some time to get to the proper temperature. The display screen should notify the user whenever everything is ready and done.
Next, take care to press down on the power button and allow the vapor to begin to collect. Gently begin to pull on the mouthpiece and allow the vapor to enter the mouth. Depending on the temperature this can be rather harsh or smooth and shouldn’t be inhaled to the point of being uncomfortable. Afterwards, rinse and repeat. Take care to remember to avoid overheating the box mod and allowing some cooling time in between larger hits. Not to mention watch the temperature to avoid burning anything out – whether it’s the battery, wax coils, etc. Box mods are durable but shouldn’t be abused. When done, simply switch the power off and place back on the charger to ensure the box mod is ready for next use.
What is The Best Box Mod?
The ‘best’ box mod is hard to define and is going to come down to personal preferences. Is it more important to have advanced features? Is portability and size a greater or lesser priority? Generally speaking, to pick the best mod, think about the most important characteristics before looking in stores or online. Do a little research regarding that brand and what they’re known for. For example, the Steamcloud is a well-respected, economical, and powerful box mod that is compatible with all 510 threading. For some, it might not be powerful or sophisticated enough. For others, it might be more than they need. Regardless, there is certainly a box mod waiting for the right owner given the tremendous diversity and availability in the market.
Where to Buy a Box Mod?
Box mods are able to be found anywhere in the US. Smoke shops carry them because they’re a hit with e-juice fans just as much as oil, wax, or herb enthusiasts. As such, the likelihood of a smoke shop not carrying a single box mod is extremely slim. That being said, there is nothing that can replace the tremendous selection that can be found online. The most important thing to remember is that when making a box mod purchase it should be based on a matching of personal preferences and the box mod’s offerings. Settling should not be an option. Between the variety and convenience of avoiding traffic or lines, check out vapevetstore.com. Remember, all orders shipped in the US are 100% absolutely FREE!
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