What Are The Best Stoner Movies Of All Time?
Stoner movies are a type of comedy that people love watching while smoking or vaping weed with a dry herb vaporizer Recreational cannabis use is one of the main themes and typically influences the plot of the movie. These movies are referred to as "Stoner Movies for a vape pen" because they're typically funnier to watch while stoned, making this genre ideal for your average stoner.
We compiled a list of the best stoner movies of all time and gave a brief description of each movie in case you have an interest in watching the movie again or finding a new stoner movie to see for the first time.
In case you have seen any stoner movies that we did not include in our list below, kindly drop them in the comment section.
We will also continue to update our list as more movies in this category are being produced in the future. It is also important to note that the list below is in no ranking order.
Dazed and Confused
The Daze and Confused movie directed by Richard Linklater raked in about $8 million in the box office after its release on 24 September, 1993.
It centers on a 1976 high school party in Texas featuring a bunch of teenagers that gathered to celebrate their last day of high school.
“Let's go smoke a joint man, on the 50 fuckin' yard line”
These teenagers, despite being young and novice partiers, decided to embark on a wild ride filled with drug indulgence and keg parties. Dazed and Confused is a must-see classic and you should if you haven't seen it yet!
Popular Stoner Quote From The Movie
David: Say man, you got a joint?
Mitch Kramer: Uhhh, no. Not on me, my man.
David: It’d be a lot cooler if you did.
You may want to get some glasses of water beside you or ensure someone is there with you in case you suffocate from laughter from this classic comedy movie.
Imagine how much trouble you could get yourself into for hanging out with a friend. Well, hanging out shouldn’t be a problem but it is when your friend Smokey is given $200 worth of weed to sell but ends up smoking it instead.
That is the situation Craig, played by Ice Cube, found himself in after he was fired on his day off and was trying to avoid his father who is pressuring him to get another job.
The local street bully, Deebo, did not spare Craig.
Craig and Smokey dream of having an eventful day finally come to pass as they will have to avoid or save themselves from the street bully.
Popular Stoner Quote From The Movie
Smokey: “I know you don’t smoke weed, I know this; but I’m gonna get you high today, ’cause it’s Friday; you ain’t got no job… and you ain’t got shit to do.”
How High
The storyline features Jamal (played by rap superstar, Redman) and Silas (played by Method Man) who stumbled on a magical weed to effortlessly answer college entrance exam questions.
The weed was so magical that they gained admission into Harvard, an Ivy League university. But luck ran out for them when there was no more magic weed to get stoned with anymore.
Now they have to use their brain under the influence of nothing to scale the ivy walls.
Pineapple Express
Pineapple Express combines comedy with action and violence. But the thrilling cast ― Dale an addicted weed smoker (played by Seth Rogen) and Saul, a dealer (played by James Franco) makes it compelling to check out.
The two played the role of stoners running for their lives after Dale witnessed the murder of a corrupt cop.
Popular Stoner Quote From The Movie
Saul: “It’s Almost A Shame To Smoke It. It’s Like Killing A Unicorn, With Like, A Bomb.” Saul told Dale when while he was telling him about the titular strain of weed.
Dale: “If marijuana is not legal within the next five years, I have no faith left in humanity.”
Half Baked
With lots of childhood memories together, a crew went on an adventure to raise funds to bail one of them arrested for killing a cop’s horse.
The three stoner friends discovered a risky way to raise the fund ― selling weed stolen from a pharmaceutical lab.
Half Baked is considered one of the best stoner movies ever. If you haven't seen this movie yet, rent it or stream it right away. You don't even need to be stoned to watch this one.
Popular Stoner Quote From The Movie
Brian: You smoke?
Mary Jane: No, my grandmother died from lung cancer.
Brian: That's all the more reason to toke up, man! It'll ease the pain!
PCU is one of the college comedy movies of the early 1990's that may be hard to find today.
The movie is presented through the eyes of a high school senior Tom Lawrence (played by Chris Young) who was on tour at Port Chester University.
He was assigned Droz (played by Jeremy Piven) as his unofficial tour guide. The journey turned out to expose Tom Lawrence to “Politically Correct” life in college.
The movie is a blend of sensuality, drugs and vulgarity. It's arguably one of the most underrated Stoner Movies to watch if you haven't seen this one yet.
Popular Stoner Quote From The Movie
“Got any smokes, baby?”
“No, man. Last one.”
Cheech and Chong Up in Smoke
In quest of independence, an amateur musician Tommy Chong decided to take on the world alone after leaving home. He met Cheech Marin on his adventure.
They both got arrested for the possession of marijuana but released, after which they both got engaged in various misadventures. Ultimately, they get to compete in their rock band contest, where perform one of the famous tunes that's one of the most memorable stoner songs amongst stoner movies.
If you're looking to watch one of the best stoner movies of the late 70s, this is the one to watch.
Popular Stoner Quote From The Movie
Pedro: “What's Labrador?”
Man Stoner: “It's dog shit.”
Cheech and Chong’s Next Movie
Cheech and Chong’s Next Movie is a follow up to the “Up Smoke”. The aficionado stoners, Cheech and Chong, were caught in a triangle ― dealing with unemployment; angry neighbor and gorgeous Donna (Cheech's girlfriend).
The movie became more interesting with the introduction of Cheech’s cousin, Red who is even more devoted to his stoner lifestyle than Cheech and Chong.
Popular Stoner Quote From The Movie
Cheech: Man, I'm gonna be late for work again. That's the fifth time this week – and it's only Tuesday, man!
Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle
Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle depicts a sensitive problem in our society “racism”.
Korean-American banker, Harold (played by John Cho) and Indian-American medical school candidate Kumar (played by Kal Penn) see a White Castle commercial after smoking lots of weed and leave the apartment to go eat a bunch of White Castle hamburgers.
The task turned into an all-night road trip that involved encountering racist police, partying with college students, and self-reflection.
This is arguably one of the best stoner movies in the early 2000s. Definitely worth watching if you haven't seen it yet.
Popular Stoner Quote From The Movie
Harold: Dude, where's my car?
Kumar: Where's his car, dude?
Grandma’s Boy
“Demonik” video game developer, Alex (played by Allen Covert) could not afford his home rent; thus, had to move in with his grandma, Lilly (played by Doris Roberts).
The video game “Demonik” was a real-world game scheduled to launch on Xbox 360 after the movie but for some reason unknown, it was canceled.
Grandma’s Boy movie scenes were dominated with clouds of weed. Alex for instance, can’t do without his stash; likewise, his grandma.
Grandma's Boy is one of the more underrated movies that not many stoners are aware of. A lot of people from Adam Sandler movies star in this film. This is definitely a great late-night stoner movie to see over the weekend.
Popular Stoner Quote From The Movie
Alex: My grandma drank all my pot.
Jeff: That’s awesome.
Alex: What?
Jeff: I mean, how many people can say that in a lifetime?
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Two buddies, Jay and Silent Bob discovered that Miramax movie studio is making a movie about them.
They requested payment from the movie studio for portraying them but was turned down. In revenge, they decided to halt the movie production. But they will need to travel to California to access the studio where the movie is being produced.
On their way to California to visit Miramax’s studio, they did what they know how to do best, hitchhiking; lots of partying with girls and most importantly getting stoned without caution.
Jay and Silent Bob are the Cheech and Chong of the 90s and 2000s. Their movies never get old.
Popular Stoner Quote From The Movie
Jay: Holy hell, is that monkey waving at us? Oh shit. It understood us. Maybe it's some kind of super monkey. What if there's more supermonkeys up at that lab? WHAT IF THEY'RE CREATING AN ARMY OF THEM? Holy shit. It must be a conspiracy like in the X-Files... ROSWELL style. This little monkey could be the f***in' damn dirty ape responsible for the fall of the human race. In this world gone mad, we won't spank the monkey- the monkey will spank us. And after the fall of man, these monkey f***s'll start wearing our clothes and rebuilding the world in their image. OH and only those as super smart as me will be left alive to bitterly cry - YOU MANIACS! DAMN YOUS! Goddamn yous all to hell!
The Big Lebowski
Centered on deception, extortion, sex and pot, two hired criminals mistook an unemployed “the dude” Lebowski for a millionaire Lebowski.
Unfortunately, the wrong Lebowski turns out to be the perfect person for the award of the Laziest person in Los Angeles.
He lives a carefree life and enjoys his toking while hanging out with different characters like Donny and Walter, who try to get involved in "The Dude's" drama.
Popular Stoner Quote From The Movie
The Dude: I’m the Dude, so that’s what you call me. That or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino, if you’re not into the whole brevity thing.
Super Troopers
Super Troopers is one of the funniest movies of the 2000s. The characters made it their main job to prank anyone who is unlucky enough to fall victim to their shenanigans.
When these prankers (five troopers) were at the edge of losing their jobs, they decided to take on a complicated investigative case.
With lots of drug humor, these troopers did everything to make sure their station remained open in spite of budget cuts.
Popular Stoner Quote From The Movie
College Boy: You must have eaten like 100 bucks worth of pot, and like 30 bucks worth of shrooms man. So I’m gonna need that 130 bucks, you know, whenever you get a chance.
Dude Where’s My Car?
The two main characters of this stoner movie, Jesse and Chester tried as much as possible to decode what happened the previous night.
They had gotten super stoned the night before and now try to remember why their kitchen looks different, and why they are now being pursued by different characters.
Above all, Jesse’s car is missing, likewise the gifts they purchased for their girlfriends, and most important of all, the continuam transfunctioner.
Popular Stoner Quote From The Movie
Jesse: Nelson, your dog's a stoner!
Chester: Can he also bong a beer?
Nelson: Nah, all he does is pretty much lie around and smoke his pipe.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
A journalist, Raoul Duke who describes his work as Gonzo journalism was sent to cover a dirt-bike race in Las Vegas.
He and his lawyer who made the trip together ended up doing more drugs than the task they were sent to do.
Their increased use of recreational drugs was in rebellion of the Vietnam and Nixon moral standard.
Popular Stoner Quote From The Movie
Raoul Duke: We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of highpowered blotter acid, a saltshaker half-full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers… Also, a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether, and two dozen amyls. Not that we needed all that for the trip, but once you get locked into a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can.
Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay
Known for their stoney character, Harold and Kumar of the White Castle returns in this movie “Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay”.
Air marshals mistook them for terrorists when Kumar fired his new bong on flight.
They planned their way out of Guantanamo Bay prison.
No matter how much you try to dislike this movie, Harold and Kumar's chemistry will get you hooked.
Popular Stoner Quote From The Movie
An old lady saw Kumar smoking and shouted Terrorist!
Harold: No, ma'am. He's not a terrorist, he's just an idiot.
Kumar: This is just a bong.
Male Passenger: He said he's got a bomb!
Male Passenger 1: He's gonna blow up the plane!
Kumar: It's not a bomb, it's just a bong.
Mall Rats
The Mall Rats movie is a stoner comedy that is especially recommended for geeks but interesting to watch for anyone.
Two geeks and best friends, T.S and Brodie visited a mall after their girlfriends called it quit swith them.
They made it a mission to disrupt a game show at the mall in which T.S’s girlfriend is a participant.
No bad intention, they only wanted to win back their girls.
Popular Stoner Quote From The Movie
T.S. Quint: Jesus, how much did you smoke?
Jay: All it took was a phat, chronic blunt. These guys were lightweights.
Three roommates ― Dave, Sam and Jeff ― managed to survive their four years in Holden University through dubious means. But the final year proved to be different.
Slackers portray the reality where girls tend to fall for guys that can sweet talk them instead of the trustworthy nerd.
Dante, a college dropout tried to regain his ex-girlfriend, Caitlin, after reading in a paper she is engaged to another man.
Dante and his best friend, Randal, who is working in a video store next door cannot desist from infuriating customers with responses to questions.
The duo are tired and underpaid clerks who considered themselves victims of love. Their adventures included playing hockey and getting stoned.
Popular Stoner Quote From The Movie
Randal: I hope it feels so good to be right. There's nothing more exhilarating than pointing out the shortcomings of others, is there?
Super Bad
In a bid to cross from the nerdy world to becoming extroverts, two high school boys, Evan and Seth decided to procure adult beverages for an upcoming party.
Joined by another nerdy friend, Fogell, they were determined to enjoy themselves to the fullest prior to their departure to different colleges.
Fogell was picked up by two cops after getting hit by a burglar when trying to buy the alcohol. The cops turned out to be no less hilarious.
Popular Stoner Quote From The Movie
Police: Okay, and how old are you McLovin?
Fogell: Old enough,
Police: Old enough for what?
Fogell: Old enough to party
Animal House
The movie depicted the 1960s college life, including the hidden secrets everyone does not like to discuss.
The movie will take you back in time just like the inhalation of your favorite weed would do.
Popular Stoner Quote From The Movie
Jennings: Teaching is just a way to pay the bills until I finish my novel.
Boon: How long you been workin' on it?
Jennings: Four and a half years.
Pinto: It must be very good.
Jennings: It's a piece of shit. Would anyone like to smoke some pot?
Two stoners Bud and Doyle were tasked with restoring a bio-dome’s ecosystem to save the world.
Their stay inside the bio-dome for one-year was not without some share of beer and getting stoned.
Popular Stoner Quote From The Movie
“I propose that we plant these seeds and I know what you’re thinkin’ “Illegal! Illegal!” but the value of purple sticky punch goes way beyond just tokin’ it!”
This Is The End
James Franco hosted his celebrity friends in his house. No fantastic party is complete without some stuff to get stoned.
The fun was cut short when they discovered the city has been destroyed and the group will have to face both the apocalypse and issues that threaten to tear them apart.
This stoner movie is a must-see, especially if you were a fan of the movie Pineapple Express.
Reefer Madness
Reefer Madness was originally shot with the intention of educating on the use of drugs.
Two high school students (Bill and Mary) were convinced to try marijuana. The resulting effect of their adventure unfolded.
Hit and run accidents, attempted rape, hallucinations and other effects of marijuana were portrayed.
Popular Stoner Quote From The Movie
Mae: What time is it?
Jack: Time to get up and give this place the goin' over. It looks like the marines have landed.
Mae: Well, that bunch last night was high enough to take over the marines and the navy!
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
The story begins at a shopping mall where lots of high school students spend their time.
A pretty girl, Stacy Hamilton wants to experience the dating world. Advice given to her by her friend Linda Barett seems not to help as she falls in love with more than one guy.
Jeff Spicoli, the stoner is Stacy’s classmate and always has an issue with their no-nonsense teacher, Mr. Hand.
Popular Stoner Quote From The Movie
Brad Hamilton: Why don't you get a job Spicoli?
Jeff Spicoli: What for?
Brad Hamilton: You need money.
Jeff Spicoli: All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine.
John’s girlfriend, Lori was totally against his frequent weed-smoking with his companion.
The now 35-year-old John refused to grow up until his childhood teddy bear (Ted) came alive to help him.
The character TED, is played Seth McFarlane and does an outstanding job. You can easily watch this movie without being stoned.
Popular Stoner Quote From The Movie
Ted: Jesus, this is weak! It’s not even getting me high. I think I’m going to have a talk with my weed guy.
John Bennett: It’s working for me.
Ted: I think it sucks, I’m going to have a talk with him.
John Bennett: I don’t know that you want to go to a drug dealer with complaints.
Wet Hot American Summer
This cult classic movie is set in the year 1981 with camp director Beth ensuring the camp is in order.
Everybody is trying to get things done before returning to their daily lives as the day marks their last day in the camp.
Love, separation, and stress dominated the Wet Hot American Summer movie. And then, what fun is camping without some dope smoking?!
Bong Water
Bong Water is the story of a group of residents who cannot live life without getting stoned.
David is a pot dealer who occasionally works on his artwork. But he seems to suspend his pot business to focus more on his artwork when he met charming Serena.
The sudden change did not last long after Serena left for New York.
Popular Stoner Quote From The Movie
[After a house fire]
Tony: David, guess who stopped smoking?
David: Who?
Tony: Your house!
Soul Plane
A dissatisfied passenger (Nashawn Wade) sued an airline for poor service and was compensated. To prevent others from experiencing same horrors, he decided to start his own airline service.
To create a blissful experience for customers, his flight crew included hot stewardesses and performers.
Captain Jack (Snoop Dog) went into a coma state after smoking weed. The crew became scared and was busy trying to conclude if he was "Wilt Chamberlain dead" or "Tupac dead."
Scary Movie
This horror spoof-comedy movie is focused on Cindy Campbell and her friends who were haunted by an unknown person for accidentally killing a man.
Most of the scenes were filled with scripts related to oral sex, homosexuality and above it all, getting stoned.
Scary Movie did a great job making fun of scenes from all the famous horror movies of the 90s. If you've seen most of the famous horror movies and are looking to have a laugh about them, this is a great Stoner movie to watch.
The Beach Bum
One distinguishing lesson from this movie is that no matter who you are, there is someone out there who loves you just the way you are.
Moondog did not care about morals or ethics. He lives by his own rules ― smoking pot and drinking beer. Yet, his wife Minnie is comfortable with his idiosyncrasies.
His lifestyle took a new dimension when he found himself in a car accident.
This is one of the most recent stoner movies to come out and worth watching.
Popular Stoner Quote From The Movie
Moondog: Man, I’m high, my nuts are throbbing right now.
Lingerie: First time I hit this shit, I nearly went into a coma. I forgot how to motherfucking breathe.