What Is a Gas Mask Bong?
The gas mask bong has become something of a cultural icon in recent decades. It unknown as to how it came about or who the inventor is. That being said, the gas mask bong is certainly unique in the smoking experience it provides. Basically, a gas mask bong is exactly what it sounds like — a bong attached to the end of a gas mask. We are all familiar with the bong and its uses for smoking. But what about the gas mask?
It turns out there are some advantages to attaching a gas mask to the end of a bong. Mainly, users get extended use out of their smoking products. Unlike a standard bong where the smoke is inhaled then exhaled into the air, the gas mask component is used to trap the smoke creating a sort of hot box. Additionally, because the bong is attached to the mask itself the user has increased freedom of motion with their hands.
Aesthetically the gas mask bong is certainly unique and definitely makes a statement when added to one’s collection. Gas mask bongs can be found in a variety of shapes, designs, and color schemes. You can easily find gas mask bongs that look like military issue gas masks or even get your hands on a Darth Vader mask. At the end of the day, there are actually a lot of options out there for users.
There are two primary components to the gas mask bong — the gas mask and bong. Outside of DIY setups, gas mask bongs on the market today are designed to have the bong easily screw into the mask itself. Like the mask, the bong can be come in a wide range of materials like glass, acrylic, metal, etc and color schemes. Personalization is the name of the game here.
How to Use A Gas Mask Bong
So, you purchased your gas mask bong and are ready to give it a go. To start, fill your bong up with just enough water to not drown the stem. Once the bong is filled with water and good to go, it needs to be attached to your gas mask. Most setups bought in shops will have a straightforward way to screw your bong onto the mask itself. With DIY setups this is subject to change however. Now that everything has been hooked up pack the bowl of the bong with a product of your choice.
With everything set up we are good to go and can start smoking. First slide the mask over your head and make sure the straps are comfortable but secure. The mask should rest evenly on your face. If the mask is off kilter it could effect the quality of the smoking experience. The next steps go like a traditional bong would: light up the bowl, gently pull by inhaling to build up smoke and then clear the chamber. The beauty of the gas mask comes into play here when you exhale the smoke. After exhaling the smoke will linger in the gas mask. You should be able to breath normally in the mask.
Types of Gas Mask Bongs
As a result of increasing popularity over the years the gas mask bong has started to make an appearance in smoke and head shops across the U.S. Prospective customers now have a plethora of customization options to choose from when purchasing their gas mask bong. For starters, the gas mask itself can come in tons of different designs. There are the standard masks you would think of and crazier ones made in the likeness of popular fictional characters like Bane, Batman, Spider Man, and etc. The amount of options really is endless.
The bong piece itself can also be made out of a variety of materials like glass, metal, plastic, and etc. Of course the bong can also come in almost any color imaginable as well. In the case of both the mask and bong the sky is the limit.
Best Gas Mask Bong
Choosing the best gas mask down will ultimately come down to the personal preference of each user. Some folks are not looking for anything too wild or creative and like the look of the standard military issue gas mask. It suits its purpose brilliantly and will work regardless of how it look. On the other hand, some folks are looking for a gas mask that is entirely unique and suited to them. Perhaps you are a big Star Wars fan and Darth Vader is your favorite character. Well, fortunately gas mask bongs in the style of Darth Vader’s mask have been made and are available online!
How to Make A Gas Mask Bong
If you enjoy building things and have a little extra time on your hands, building your very own gas mask bong its 100% doable. A fully functional gas mask bong can be made with a small list of items that can be sourced at the local hardware store. You will need these items: gas mask, electrical tape, rubber sealant, melt-proof plastic piping, bowl with rubber tip/end, and a smaller tube for the stem of the bong. First, we want to put together the bong. Take the larger pipe you bought earlier and drill a hole in the side 3/4 of the way down. This hole needs to fit completely flush with your down stem and bowl. Rubber sealant and electrical tape can be used to further seal in the stem. On the other side of the pipe drill another hole - this is going to be the carb which will help with airflow. Make sure the bottom of the pipe is also completely sealed.
Next we want to take the filter off the gas mask and make sure any air flow holes or other openings are sealed off. Finally, we will attach the pipe to the gas mask and use electrical tape and rubber sealant to close off any opening between the pipe and the mask. Now we are all set and good to go smoke. Follow the smoking instructions listed above and you will be all set for your first smoking session!
How to Clean a Gas Mask Bong
Like any other smoking accessory, proper maintenance is required to ensure a solid smoking experience every single time. There is not a specific science to cleaning gas mask bongs but generally speaking the bong portion can be easily cleaned with a combination of isopropyl alcohol and salt or hot water in a pinch. If your setup uses water then changing the water in between smoking session is recommended. Cleaning the gas mask itself can be done with a disinfectant wipe or hot water with soap. If your gas mask is made of special materials or has unique coloring it is best to consult the maker of the product for cleaning instructions.
Glass Bong vs Gas Mask Bong
When it comes to comparing the gas mask bong to the standard glass bong a few big differences stand out. Firstly, the gas mask bong provides an entirely different smoking experience when compared to a glass bong. Smokers who opt to use gas mask bongs can obviously get more mileage out of their smoking products with the mask’s ability to hot box. Glass bongs do not allow for hot boxing. Aesthetically, the gas mask bong stands out and is much more cumbersome as a piece in comparison to a glass bong which can range from incredibly small and massive in size. The price points will differ here as well. Generally speaking, glass bongs are available at a much lower price point and are arguable more beginner friendly. Gas mask bongs can increase in price as the customization and materials become more unique.
Gravity Bong vs Gas Mask Bong
Again, the major difference here will come down to aesthetics and the personal wishes of the smoker themselves. While gravity bongs can also easily be made at home and do take advantage of water to cool the smoke, they are again entirely different experiences that suit each individual.
Silicone Bong vs Gas Mask Bong
Silicone bongs can come in a range of shapes and sizes like gas mask bongs. Although less stylish and expensive when compared to gas mask bongs, silicons are super affordable, easy to clean, and beginner friendly. In addition, silicone is not delicate like glass and will not break if dropped. But, the gas mask bong once again provides an experience a silicone bong can not.
Vaping vs Gas Mask Bong
Gas mask bongs use raw smoking products in comparison to vaping devices that use concentrates and waxes. The smoking experience between the two types will differ greatly. In general vaping provides superior taste and is super easy on the go. Gas mask bongs range in taste depending on what is being smoked and are not very easy to carry around. Vaping devices can be relatively cheap and very expensive depending not the kit being used.
Gas Mask Bong for Sale
Gas mask bongs can be purchase online, at your local head shop, and here at vapevetstore.com. At VapeVetStore we offer FREE shipping on all U.S. orders and offer discreet shipping with all of our orders. So come by the store today to see what awesome gas masks we have available!