What Drinks Go Well With CBD Tinctures?
Many people choose CBD edibles as their most preferred way of consuming CBD, but for others like you, CBD tinctures provide an easy way to enjoy CBD. However, If you like the effects of taking a CBD tincture but do not like the taste, then we have a pro tip for you. You can add CBD tinctures to a variety of drinks to take the edge off! Even though CBD tinctures may be considered medicine by some people, it doesn’t mean you can't enjoy taking them. There are a few drinks that CBD tinctures mix best with though, and we’ve provided some suggestions for you to explore below.
What is In a CBD Tincture?
The first thing to consider before you become a CBD mixologist is what kind of CBD tincture you are working with. There are two common approaches to making CBD tinctures, and each should be considered carefully when selecting one to try. A CBD tincture is typically made with either a base of alcohol or oil and hemp derived CBD extract. The base that is used will play a key role in the types of drinks that you mix your CBD tincture into.
The extract included in a CBD tincture also offers more variation to the product, since there are a few different types of CBD extract oil made. These include broad-spectrum extract, full-spectrum extract, and CBD isolate. Each CBD extract is created with a solvent based or solvent-less extraction process, and results in an end product with varying levels of CBD and terpenes. You’ll want to consider whether you want to take the whole-plant approach with broad or full spectrum hemp extract, or stick to pure CBD with a tincture made with CBD isolates.
What Drinks Will a CBD Tincture Mix Well With?
Once you have thoroughly researched and considered your choices of CBD tinctures, then it’s time to start mixing. As mentioned before, the key thing to note when mixing a tincture into drinks is whether it has an alcohol or oil base. This base ingredient will incorporate nicely into some drinks, and sit on top of others. And if the CBD tincture is just floating on top of your drink then that kind of defeats the point of mixing it in the first place. If all else fails, you can add a dash of CBD tincture to a glass of water to wash down the taste of the plant matter in the tincture. But that’s not nearly as tasty as any of the options we have outlined for you below.
Hot and Iced Coffee
If you are a complete coffee addict, then it might seem like an obvious option to drop your CBD tincture of choice into your morning cup of Joe to give you the jolt you need, but that is based on if CBD is legal at workplace. But have you considered dropping it into your afternoon iced coffee as well? It can provide a kick of caffeine in the afternoon, with the calming effects of the CBD tincture evening the jolt out. It’s best to use an alcohol based CBD tincture with your coffee drinks though, since it will mix in better and not rise to the top like an oil based tincture will. If you are lucky, and the CBD is legal in your state, you may find CBD-infused drinks and CBD oil on restaurant and bar menus.
Hot and Iced Tea
If you don’t like the taste of coffee and prefer the alternative of tea then you can still mix a little CBD tincture into your drink of choice. A nice cup of herbal tea in the evening can be relaxing already, but adding a dose of CBD tincture can really ease your tension. An alcohol based tincture will work best, and mix perfectly with the natural flavors of tea. A little drop of CBD honey is a nice touch to your afternoon CBD tincture tea too.
Fruit Juice and Smoothie
There are still wonderful options for mixing your CBD tinctures into drinks that do not have caffeine in them. One of those options is to mix it with a fruit juice or into a smoothie. The smoothie option is wonderful because it mixes the CBD tincture thoroughly into your drink so that the flavor is completely covered. However, a fruit juice also carries strong, natural flavors that will work well to cover the taste of the tincture. It’s important to note though that CBD typically has a drug interaction with grapefruit or medication that has the grapefruit warning. Be sure to avoid this type of juice when mixing with CBD tinctures or adding it to your smoothie. But, either an alcohol based or oil based tincture will work just fine in the mix for a smoothie.
Another great option for mixing with a CBD tincture is in mocktails. These creative mixed drinks offer a whole lot of flavor that is sure to cover any taste of hemp lingering in the CBD tincture. Instead of adding a shot of alcohol to your favorite cocktail, try a dose of CBD tincture instead. I’ve personally found that margaritas or mojito mocktails go great with a full-spectrum CBD tincture. Depending on the mix and what’s included, you can opt for either an oil based or alcohol based tincture though.
If you prefer to keep your drinks all natural, then mixing CBD tincture with your favorite kombucha could be a great option. Then you get the natural benefits of both kombucha and CBD all in one drink! The flavor of most kombucha is strong as well, and can do a great job at masking the burn of an alcohol based CBD tincture.
These are just a few ideas to get you started, and you can allow your taste buds to lead you from here. You don’t have to avoid CBD tinctures though if you don’t enjoy the taste. You have endless possibilities when it comes to mixing CBD tinctures into different types of drinks.
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