CBD Oil Vapes vs CBD Wax Pens
The world of CBD is more popular today with consumers than it has ever been, with record numbers increasing in production and usage. CBD oil and wax has been one of the most effective treatments for ailments ranging from pain and injuries to cancer and mental health.
With its notorious usage as a potent remedy for epileptic seizures, many have opted for its fast delivery to the body via oil and wax vaporization. Because using CBD topically can only provide local relief to a specific area of the body, ingesting CBD usually takes quite a bit of time before its effects are noticed.
Vaporization or Vape Pens is the best and most effective method available to date. Because oil and wax vaporization is so similar, many would be hard-pressed to favor choosing one or the other. The truth is that there are profound differences between the two, and this is what we will be looking at here.

CBD Oil Vapes
Between CBD wax and oil, users will often find that oil is the better choice for those looking to get the most potent form of CBD concentration. This is due to many factors. Because of how oil is vaped, it produces the biggest clouds, providing the highest volume of CBD per hit.
Combined with a dosage that is easy to measure and gauge, and you have the result of a massive vapor cloud that can accurately deliver a dose that a consumer can measure and record. Certain oil atomizers with an inner coil heat up the oil and provide hits that are virtually instantaneous.
Compared to wax, this is appealing because most medical patients who suffer during episodes do not wish to wait or manually load their medicines prior to taking a hit for relief. This makes vaping CBD in oil form the most popular type of vaporization for CBD in general.
Because CBD is usually reserved for medical reasons instead of recreation, vapes like the SteamCloud Mini 2.0 and the Yocan Hive 2.0 make for ideal medical devices. The nature of medical bills is no different than those in patients who vape, so every penny counts.
For this reason, there are oil vapes on the market that are both efficient and affordable. Vapes like the SteamCloud EVOD are a fine example of just such a vape. A bonus for the pen style vape is its inherent portability to be used as a stealth dry herb vape.

CBD Wax Vapes
Unlike oil vapes, wax vapes tend to use material directly onto the coil in the form of various mediums. Wax can vary in consistency which in turn makes it more difficult to accurately dose. Because the vapor is much lighter than that of traditional oil vapes, CBD wax vapes are ideal for beginners to CBD vaping who want a therapeutic session without going full on into the massive cloud scene, which can be overwhelming for some beginners.
The good news is that the majority of these types of vaporizers are considered to be 3 in 1 vapes or are at least capable of vaping both oil and wax CBD with just the change of an atomizer and the switch of the wattage. Like the previous two vapes that were mentioned, the SteamCloud Mini 2.0 and the Yocan Hive 2.0 are both capable of vaping oil and wax CBD.
Other pens that specialize in wax are models like the Yocan Loaded, Yocan Evolve, and the Pulsar APX. What makes wax vapes much different from oil vapes aside from their vapor production is usually their inherent design. With the exception of combination or 3 in 1 vapes, most oil vapes tend to be slim and simple, whereas wax vapes can also be slim, though slightly larger depending on the brand and model.
Wax CBD vapes are ideal for those looking to get a combination of potency and flavor, as wax tends to have a more thorough flavor profile. No matter what you end up choosing, both of these choices are a matter of personal preference as both provide the user with medicinal quality and efficiency.

Which One is Better?
The truth is that there is a happy medium in choosing a combination vape such as the SteamCloud Mini 2.0 for example, though there are many others. With a combination vape one can experiment and find a modality that best suits their needs, all while accommodating users from beginner to advanced. To give a quick rundown of what both modalities offer, it is important to remember that oil tends to produce much thicker and bigger clouds, giving a clear and accurate dose assessment.
Wax is better suited for those who still want a potent session without the massive vapor production. Both are therapeutic in their own right, and both can deliver medicinal doses of CBD to the user for whatever ails them. If you suffer from something that varies in degree, you might find that vaping some oil on your worst days is just what you needed to get relief, while on other days you were fine to keep your flare ups at bay with a simple wax session.
Depending on what you end up getting for your medical needs, just know that every vape in this category is certified and capable of vaping CBD for medical needs. It will all boil down to what your needs are and what you are looking to accomplish. Another bonus for either one of these vapes is their need for very little maintenance.
Aside from getting replacement coils and atomizers, the main part you will ever have to clean regularly is the mouthpiece. For everything else, a simple wipe down after every session will do to maintain the integrity of your CBD vapes for years to come.