Can You Put Vape Juice in a Dry Herb Vape?

No, dry herb vapes are meant for herb only. The majority of dry herb vapes cannot even handle any form of liquid. Putting liquid into a dry herb vape is a quick way to ruin the vape.

Vapes differ in size, power, temperature, and other features. Certain features determine what you can and cannot vape. Many coils and mAh are not suitable for anything other than dry herb. Putting vape juice into a dry herb vape is a good way to shorten your vape’s lifespan.

What Happens if You Put Vape Juice in a Dry Herb Vape?

Putting vape juice into a dry herb vape damages the important parts of the vape. The coil or chamber is not made for juice. You may mess up its ability to heat up quickly or destroy the coil.

On top of that, oil and dry herb heat at different optimal temperatures. You may burn through your dry herb by trying to get the best heat setting for your oil. Some dry herb vapes might not even have the best temperature setting for oil.

Can I Drip Juice on Dry Herbs Inside of the Vape?

You might be able to get away with a drop or two. However, too much oil is damaging. Making your vape work harder to heat its materials is a bad idea. Too many drops are not recommended, and many dry herb vapes cannot handle any type of liquid.

Exceptions to the Rule

  • Some special oil vape pods allow dry herb and oil. They are known as oil chamber insets. To combine the two, you can purchase one of these special oil vape pods. They slip into the heating chamber to safely combine dry herb and oil. This feature works with certain vapes, depending on the size of your chamber.
  • Many vapes come with special attachments. Switching up the nature of your chambers and coils to make them suitable for oil is common. Many special chambers are okay for dual-use, and they make it possible to smoke dry herb and oil.

More Reasons Not to Use a Dry Herb Vape for Vape Juice

There are plenty of great reasons to not mix dry herb and oil. In addition to any potential damages, you may have to replace your entire device. Destroying your vape because of the combination is completely possible. On top of that, the different optimal temperatures make the smoking experience subpar.

Do not take the risk! Buy a vape or an add-on that is meant for combining dry herbs and oil. The option is out there, and their purpose is to keep you from ruining your vaporizer. Buy vapes and add-on features that work for you. Do not misuse vaporizers or force them to work how you want. In the end, you might end up with irreparable damages.

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